Saija Kujanpää

Saija Kujanpää

13 August 2018

Be the "God"

Religion. God. Faith. Prayers. Hope. Savor.

No matter what church you belong to, at the end, from this sacred place of god, we all look for peace, hope and something to save us. Someone to guide us. We put our hope to this force, to this something, that we believe in, this something that we believe is existing "outside" of us. We pray and hope that eventually this great force will change our life from suffering to bliss and we finally have peace in our hearts, minds and lives. We read the bible, we listen the sermon, we pray. And we pray.

But. What if god is not something or someone outside of us?

I hear so often how people talk that things in this earth have to change. We need to start to love each other more, respect each other more and forget about the skin colour, what religion you represent or how much money you have. The point is, WE JUST TALK ABOUT IT. But what are we actually DOING in our everyday lives to change things?

So what if YOU ARE GOD? What if really there is nothing outside of you, but everything is already inside. God made us all as his image, didn't he? This is what all the religions are saying. So if that's the case, why are we killing each other? Why you are not loving first yourself and then your neighbors? Where does all the hatred come from? If this black man is the image of god, just as the white man is?

You are god. You are the creator. This is how we were created. We all have the powers of him/her inside of us. Every thought, every action is your act of power and creation to this world. It is your contribution to this world. When is it that we realize that the change starts from us?

You are god, so start acting like one! No more blaiming everybody else for your life events. No more putting blame on anybody, not even yourself.

God does not judge. God is love. That's it. And since you are god, you are love. In this world of fear we just have forgotten it. We chase money, fame and fortune. We steal, we kill, we cheat, we are cold, heartless, we lack symphaty for others, we are angry, we beat our kids and each other. Is this what god would do? Is this what love would do?

I am god. I am the creation of god. So I want to praise that. I want to respect that. And finally start to act accordingly.

Don't come to me to talk about god, unless you start to act like god. Don't come to me to talk about love, unless I see the love you are talking about in your everyday actions. Don't talk to me about "we are one", unless I see it in your everyday life. Don't talk to me about gods words, unless you take them in action. Because untill you do, it is all just a fake. Just words.

You are god (love). You have all the powers that he/she has. So start using them!

It is very very easy to talk and talk and talk. But until these words are taken into action, they are just words. Just bla bla. Nothing else. Just bla bla without any value what so ever. You can pray and pray and pray until your knees hurt, but untill you bring your prayers into action, it is just a prayer.

You can easily say to someone "I love you", but it doesn't mean nothing unless you SHOW it through your actions. Would you believe me, if I told you "I love you" and then next minute you see me hitting you, cheating you or leaving you? No, right?!

Yes, we all talk about the change we want to see in this world. We talk and talk and talk. But this is the time for action.

Face your fears! Look deep into the dark side of yourself! Ask yourself why I am getting upset, why am i so afraid to listen to my heart? Why do I listen something outside of me? How in the world would it be possible that someone else would know what is best for me?! Why do I blame others for the things that are happening in my life or the things that I do? Isn't it me who is living my life - so it must be me, who is making all the choices too, right?

To understand that you are god, the creator, brings in huge responsibility. If you think about god for a second, what would he/she do? Would he kill, blame, shame, judge, betray, fight, be upset and angry? Would he?

No. Never! God (love) accepts everything and everyone. He created all of us to be different, so that we can learn more about ourselves. He brought us cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, so that we could learn more about ourselves. He brought us different kind of politics and religions, so that we could learn more about ourselves. He brought us different kind of animals and plants, so that we could learn more about ourselves.

And now, it is our job to see, how much we respect others, the animals and the nature (= ourselves). What ever action you do to others, is a straight reflection of the love you have for yourself. That's just how it is. If you say "fuck you" to this one, at the end, you are just saying it to yourself. If you can not give a one single compliment to another, it is only you that you can not give a compliment to. If you blame someone for your life, it is only you who you are blaming. If you judge someone, at the end, it is only you who you are judging.

But if you love, fully, it is you who you love! And it will flow right back at you - even million times more! You get, what you give. It is as simple as that.

So please. Start being the god (love) you believe in. Every action you take, you can think first "What would god (love) do?" "How would god (love) react on this situation?" "What would god (love) say?"

Be the change you want to see. It all starts from you. Stop hiding behind the bible or church and finally see how powerful you are! Or sit in the silence of the church and feel the power of god (love) inside of you. Take it in and then bring it out and in action!

Being god (love) doesn't mean that we have to see things the same way. Or that we have to hang around people we don't feel connected to. Or that we all need to have pets. Or we all have to go to the same church. Or think alike in politics. No. But god (love) respects all of this. No matter what you believe in or how you see life. God (love) respects and accepts. That's all. And our job is to see that we are among the people who truly love us and wish us good. Who lift us up and wants to see us grow and get stronger.

So please. Be god (love). The times of "talk" are over. It is time for action. Be the change you are talking about. Lead the way for your kids and they will follow. Be an example for you family, friends and community. Be bold and brave. Be god (love). It is time.

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