"The most important thing to understand is, you can’t really help them. What you can do however, is being the BEST “you” that you can be.
INSPIRE them to help themselves.
To live your life as a shinning example of a loving compassionate conscious and EMPOWERED human being. The energy you begin to radiate the longer you go through these cycles of healing, is infectious! Your ENERGY is what does most of the work, not so much your words, beliefs or explanations.
Heal yourself and you will naturally heal others without having to lift a finger or say a word."
- Victor Oddo -
This is what I have learned through out my inner journey. My heart is so big that I just wanted everyone to be happy and feel good. I wanted to help people so much that instead of letting them do what they needed to do, I did it for them. No wonder I was so tired! But. Life is not like that.
Life will always be about ups and downs. It will never end. And if someone else is doing "the work" for you, when will you learn? When will you finally learn to take responsibility of your own healing if someone else keeps doing it for you? And with these energies, no one can not even do it for you anymore. You can try, sure. But it will get heavy for you and the one who is trying to help you. Because at the end, only you can really help you.
There was a time when I was doing healing treatments. These treatments included talk after the treatment, so that we can go through everything that my customer was feeling and what I have felt. The thing was that when doing these treatments I was doing them from a place of "I want to help people", not from a place of "this is for me so that I can heal and so that I can learn more about myself". Because I didn't see the inner power I have in me, I couldn't see it in others. And so "I wanted to help them". We all have our own soul path. And life happens no matter who you are or where you are. It will happen to rich, poor, black, white, yellow, kids, youngsters, adults. It happens. So life is about learning, trusting and surrendering.

I realized today that it is not actually about me getting what I want, but it is about the learning process in between. I am held back in the same situation as long as I learn the lesson that the situation is here to teach me and only when that lesson is learned, I am able to break free. Sometimes the learning comes through the feelings of anxiety, sometimes it comes through the feelings of anger. It is a sign for me that the change is coming, but the lessons have to be learned first. This is why leaving the old and entering the new, is called "process". We need this process, this time, so that we can face our fears before leaving the old. We need this time to reflect and learn from these experiences. And then we can move on to the new. This takes time, because it is not easy. It takes as much time as it takes. Even if we think we are ready, it might not be so. So the only thing we can do is trust the flow of the Universe and trust the process. And here is the thing. Only you can know if there is something that is not aligned with your heart energy. You feel it inside, no one else. So this is why it is your job to do the job. Of breaking free from something that doesn't feel right anymore. From something that doesn't make you happy. So you see, at the end, only you can heal yourself. There will be people to support you in this and if you don't have any, please, go and find some. They will support you, but they won't do the job for you. Only you can heal you. There are some things that are only between you and you.
And so I have done. I have healed myself and the funny thing is that I don't no longer have the desire to safe anyone. I don't have any desire to do any healing work for no one. I have done mine and only you can do yours. If you want to. Your choice.
Life will always be about ups and downs. It will never end. And if someone else is doing "the work" for you, when will you learn? When will you finally learn to take responsibility of your own healing if someone else keeps doing it for you? And with these energies, no one can not even do it for you anymore. You can try, sure. But it will get heavy for you and the one who is trying to help you. Because at the end, only you can really help you.
There was a time when I was doing healing treatments. These treatments included talk after the treatment, so that we can go through everything that my customer was feeling and what I have felt. The thing was that when doing these treatments I was doing them from a place of "I want to help people", not from a place of "this is for me so that I can heal and so that I can learn more about myself". Because I didn't see the inner power I have in me, I couldn't see it in others. And so "I wanted to help them". We all have our own soul path. And life happens no matter who you are or where you are. It will happen to rich, poor, black, white, yellow, kids, youngsters, adults. It happens. So life is about learning, trusting and surrendering.

I realized today that it is not actually about me getting what I want, but it is about the learning process in between. I am held back in the same situation as long as I learn the lesson that the situation is here to teach me and only when that lesson is learned, I am able to break free. Sometimes the learning comes through the feelings of anxiety, sometimes it comes through the feelings of anger. It is a sign for me that the change is coming, but the lessons have to be learned first. This is why leaving the old and entering the new, is called "process". We need this process, this time, so that we can face our fears before leaving the old. We need this time to reflect and learn from these experiences. And then we can move on to the new. This takes time, because it is not easy. It takes as much time as it takes. Even if we think we are ready, it might not be so. So the only thing we can do is trust the flow of the Universe and trust the process. And here is the thing. Only you can know if there is something that is not aligned with your heart energy. You feel it inside, no one else. So this is why it is your job to do the job. Of breaking free from something that doesn't feel right anymore. From something that doesn't make you happy. So you see, at the end, only you can heal yourself. There will be people to support you in this and if you don't have any, please, go and find some. They will support you, but they won't do the job for you. Only you can heal you. There are some things that are only between you and you.
And so I have done. I have healed myself and the funny thing is that I don't no longer have the desire to safe anyone. I don't have any desire to do any healing work for no one. I have done mine and only you can do yours. If you want to. Your choice.

Now I live my truth. I see my own inner power and I respect myself. And from that space I see your inner power and I respect that. I love you, but I step aside. I believe in you and your strength to do what needs to be done. I have, so you can too! I respect your soul path, as I respect mine. And so I step aside and I allow your own soul to take over. I have no desire what so ever to help you anymore, because I know you can do this. I am beside you, yes. But not "in your way" when you are doing your inner healing.
So it is not about having a piece of paper saying that you are a reiki master. It is not about having a diploma saying that you are a energy healer. No. It is about doing your inner work. Dealing with your shit. Facing the situations and people that you are not happy about. Not with anger, but simply by pointing out that this is not working. I am not happy and for this reason, I need to get out. I need to change the circumstances. Actually, you are getting the old shit out of the way, so that you can finally come into your full power. After this process, you can check if you still "want to help them".
I have blessed all my past life and the events in it. I have forgiven everything and to everyone. Even myself. The past has taught me so much. Without it, I wouldn't be here. This strong. This powerful. And having this inner knowledge that I can not help you, but I trust you. Fully.

So I don't care about papers or diplomas anymore. I don't follow gurus or listen anyone outside of me. I am still lost sometimes, because this is the way life is. But I learn, I listen my inner voice and eventually I will make the changes that I have to make in order to be more aligned with my heart energy.
And so I live my truth. I live my life as a shinning example of a loving compassionate conscious and EMPOWERED human being. The energy I am radiating is infectious! My ENERGY is what does most of the work, not so much my words, beliefs or explanations.
I healed myself and I will naturally heal others without having to lift a finger or say a word.
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